Wednesday, January 5, 2011

2010 Wrap Up

This is a wrap up of our 2010 happenings.


Our first raspberry from all 2,500 plants. We cant wait to see how many produce in 2011!

Covering the pit... Everyone's dreaded job.

The pit usually pays off....Famous Amos Cookies and an ice cold Gatorade.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

4-H Sugarbeet Record books due January 5th. YIKES!

We just finished our 10th year of the Heglar Creek Kids 4-H Sugarbeet projects. Each member is responsible for the field tractor work all year until the crop is harvested.

The Owners Visit John Deere's Facilities in Germany

In December 2010, The Owners had the opportunity of visiting John Deere in Germany. Mark, Scott, & Todd Webb and Mike Garner toured the Forage Harvester Factory in Zweibrucken, Germany & The Tractor Factory in Manheim, Germany.